We invest in sustainable energy
because our future depends on it.

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Our Story

  • 2008

    Establishment of EG, PV and WEST

  • 2012

    Entry to the Finnish market and the POSIO / MUNTILA / DEVELOPMENT projects

  • 2013

    Entry to the EU market and the BIOENERGO / VOIVOZI projects

  • 2019


In 2008, the Eurozone was beginning to feel the impact of the financial crisis. Rising oil and energy prices were having a negative impact on European industry, which was almost entirely dependent on imported fossil fuels. The Member States of the EU then began looking seriously at the potential of alternative energy sources.  This provided an opportunity for E-Group, a.s. to develop first in Slovakia and later in European and global energy markets.

E-Group, a.s. was founded in 2008 as a consulting firm in the energy sector. Its engineers put together plans for projects to generate and supply green electricity in selected regions of Slovakia.

The first project to begin real implementation was the construction of photovoltaic power plants in 2009. By 2012, E-Group, a.s. had established itself as a reliable partner for many projects to produce electricity using renewables. It was helping to fulfil the European strategy to find ways of producing green electricity. As the company supported the construction of energy systems through its subsidiaries, its specialist employees were able to study and analyse the efficiency of production, operation and distribution in parallel. It incorporated this valuable knowledge into its consulting activities and continuous improvements in the projects that E-Group, a.s. implemented or supplied.

In 2012, our group participated in the commissioning of the Bratislava WEST cogeneration plant, which not only supplies heat for the people of Bratislava but also represents a more environmentally friendly way to generate electricity even in the present day. Cogeneration is the most efficient way to generate both electricity and heat, and the company has successfully implemented it also in foreign projects. The heat produced by this process is more economical for consumers and it has earned a place as a supported energy source thanks to its high efficiency.

E-Group, a.s. took a step towards European expansion in 2014. By acquiring a foreign company, it became the first Slovak company to invest in Finland’s energy sector. A wind power installation at Posio in southern Lapland with installed capacity of 21.1 MW has been supplying the Finnish electricity grid since 2016.

E-Group, a.s. has continued to grow its foreign energy projects since 2014. After successfully completing the project in Finland, the company launched a wave of projects across Romania, Czechia and other EU Member States. One of the most significant green projects in the territory of the Visegrad Group was an investment in the environmentally friendly production of pressed oils in Czechia.

E-Group, a.s. can now claim the benefits of pioneering experience in solar, wind, biomass and biogas energy projects.

It is also expanding its business to deals outside the EU market. It has been intensively studying the development of foreign financial markets since 2015 and it sees potential in the booming Asian tiger economies. It is also in negotiations with manufacturers of renewable energy equipment in the Americas.

Company Strategy

The investment strategy of E-Group, a.s. focuses on long-term projects for more efficient production and distribution of electricity from renewables throughout Europe.

E-Group actively seeks out energy investment opportunities and evaluates, designs, implements and puts into operation projects offering added value for consumers, investors and society.

The company’s project cycle

E-Group, a.s. is involved in every stage of the project cycle. It may start the whole project planning process in house or acquire projects at various stages of development. In design and implementation, we rely on a trusted supply chain that uses the latest proven technologies, whose effectiveness and reliability has been verified in many of our previous projects.

Our successful international projects show that our team of engineers and other specialists have the necessary skills to take plans from the drawing board to reality. We supervise work on site and can guarantee that every component is properly installed with an emphasis on safety and meeting deadlines.

The final phase of every cycle is an M&A process in line with our business strategy.

Operation Asset transfer Development Supply chain Financing Construction


E-Group has participated in the installation of over 10% of the photovoltaic electricity generation capacity in Slovakia.
Slovakia is the country where E-Group pioneered its solar electricity model. It has since deployed technologies that demonstrated their worth on the home market in dozens of projects across Europe with the aim of extracting as many MW of electricity as possible from sunlight. In Slovakia, the installed capacity of photovoltaic systems now exceeds 543 MW.

Our Romanian project produces over 7,000 MWh of electricity every year.
The photovoltaic plant operating near the village of Voivozi in Romania since 2013 has proven that the annual balance of electricity supply to the grid can be stable. The plant supplies on average 7,000 MWh per year, which exceeds all expectations. The site was chosen based on research into the locations with the largest number of sunny days in Romania, which offers several sites with lucrative photovoltaic potential. Even with the specific conditions of this market, the joint project produces cost-effective electricity for Romanian households.

Wind power heats more than 5,300 households in Finland.
Close to Posio in Lapland, Finland, there is modern wind farm with 7 turbines and a total installed capacity of 23.1 MW. The Finnish renewables market is one of the most competitive in the European Union. The country has ideal conditions for the continuous operation of such equipment and one of the largest commitments for its implementation. Finland has managed to meet its commitment and, in 2020, it managed to supply 38% of its electricity needs with renewables. E-Group’s investments in wind energy in Finland are part of this ground-breaking energy project, which is an example for other Member States in how to decouple the economy from outmoded technologies with outsize carbon footprints.

“Completion of the wind power installation is the culmination of the first phase of our entry to the Finnish energy market. It has great potential, but the competition is also strong, so I am really proud to represent the first Slovak company to break into this challenging market. Much credit for this also has to go to our embassy, which offers Slovak companies high-quality advice on how to deal with the Finnish market,” said the then CEO of E-Group, a.s. Anton Bielik.

The Muntila project in Finland was completed thanks to a financial injection from E-Group.
In 2015, E-Group took over the project of a Finnish partner to construct three wind turbines with an installed capacity of up to 10 MW. After obtaining the necessary permits and approval of a subsidy allocation decision by the Finnish authorities in 2016, the wind farm project went through a successful M&A process, and the deal was successfully completed in 2017.

E-Group is continuing work on ongoing wind projects in Finland.
E-Group continues to develop its activities in the Finnish market and using a project SPV it has successfully shepherded to the “ready-to-build” stage two wind projects near the small towns of Kausala and Suonenjoki with a total installed capacity of almost 80 MW. Documentation for the relevant permits was prepared gradually and they were issued in 2021 and 2022. E-Group plans to draw on all its existing professional knowledge and experience in these projects and it currently works on projects at various stages of development that would add over 1 GW of installed capacity to the Finnish market.

The war in Ukraine blocked expansion to our eastern neighbour.
In the course of its acquisitions, E-Group invested in a “ready-to-build” project close to the Ukrainian city of Izmail. The successfully constructed and commissioned photovoltaic plant with an installed capacity of 8 MW was intended to be an entry point to the Ukrainian market with attractive subsidies for renewable energy. Our promising cooperation with our local partner was not even disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which rocked the European markets. The group played a role in financing and project management. However, the war in Ukraine has put the brakes on E-Group’s chances of expansion in Ukraine, where it originally planned further energy investments in 2023 to 2025. As a result of the war, the fate of the power plant is now uncertain and investments in energy projects have been suspended for the foreseeable future.

E-Group is successfully expanding in the US market.
E-Group is now fully engaged in developing pilot projects for renewable energy production in the USA. Our specialists are planning a photovoltaic power plant in California with a total installed capacity of 50 MW. The completion of development is expected in 2025, with the first electricity flowing to the grid in 2026.